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Ants, human beings and myself: Works of Nakamura Tomomichi

Ants, human beings and myself: Works of Nakamura Tomomichi

Featured by TV documentary program Document 20 min. created by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), and it is titled “Ants, human beings and myself: Works of Nakamura Tomomichi“.

Meet the unconventional artist Tomomichi Nakamura, who synthesizes the forms of ants and humans to create unseen photographs and film works. This documentary follows his journey of continuing his artistic endeavors despite facing challenges in life. Ants, living in colonies, are small and vulnerable, recognizing allies and enemies through scent—similar to humans in many ways. Utilizing ants with human-like behaviors, Nakamura creates works that express aspects of himself and humanity. For instance, photos featuring tiny ants arranged in human forms evoke a sense of human frailty and powerlessness. While Nakamura’s creations have received acclaim both domestically and internationally, he has long carried a sense of difficulty in his life. Born with a congenital disability, Nakamura persists in his artistic pursuits with the support of his partner. One day, a conversation with a parent and child during a photo shoot brings an unexpected realization.

This is an NHK documentary program featuring Tomomichi Nakamura as the subject. The program is still available for on-demand viewing on NHK. If you’re interested, please do watch it!

Ants, human beings and myself: Works of Nakamura Tomomichi

Document 20 min.

2017年ごろまでアニメーション等の映像作家 その過酷さから病気に倒れ、限界を感じた事から、その後写真作家に転身 イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル、バンクーバー国際映画祭、オーバーハウゼン国際短編映画際、タンペレ映画祭、キヤノン写真新世紀 LensCulture 等で発表。 写真関連は、初の写真作品で、キヤノン写真新世紀2019年度グランプリ受賞。東京都写真美術館で個展、LensCulture Art Photography Awards 2022 LensCulture Emerging Talent Awards 2023 にて Jurors’ Picksなど NHK ドキュメント20min.「蟻(あり)と人間とぼく アーティスト・中村智道」で紹介される 尚、写真等の無断使用はお断りいたします。一言ご連絡ください。 お仕事のご相談など、気楽に、ご連絡ください。


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